STS Government Solutions, LLC (SGS) has many contract vehicles to choose from including our 8(a) sole source direct award capability and Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity Contracts (IDIQ). These capabilities are very effective for government buyers that require rapid awards. If you have further contracting option questions, please contact us directly.
- Flat organizational structure by design for swift and accurate customer response
- 24/7 Telephone availability at all levels of management
- Lead has day-to-day operations control over team for resource allocation and task prioritization
- Cost, Schedule and Performance reporting accomplished monthly and as needed at other intervals
- Reports status to General Manager via monthly reviews
- Reports status to Customer at desired intervals in preferred format
Under 13CFR 124.506(b), the Small Business Administration may award sole-source Government contracts to SSG without regard to contract value based on our status as an 8(a) ANC. This CFR provision exempts contracts to 8(a) companies owned by Indian or Alaska Native tribes from the competitive dollar-limit thresholds of other 8(a) contracts. Also, protests are not allowed for ANC sole-source contracts. For further information on this contract option, please e-mail us at [email protected].
Fernando Cervantes
Business Opportunity Specialist
Seattle District Office / Spokane Branch Office
U.S. Small Business Administration
(509) 353-2806
[email protected]
Are you choosing an 8(a) company to meet your program requirements? STS Government Solutions, LLC (SGS) is a solid choice offering the best overall value. As a small business 8(a) firm SGS is a low risk solution for your needs. We offer these significant advantages:
- Contracts can be awarded directly
- Significantly reduced overhead in the contracting process
- Proven Cost, Schedule and Technical Performance
- Highly Motivated
- Certified 8(a) SDB ANC
- Competitive Rates
- DCAA-Approved Cost Control System
- Automated Program and Contract Management
- Proven Transition Implementation Plans
- Premium Employee Benefit Packages
- Proper Security Clearances
- Current Certifications and Experience
- Diversified Technical Disciplines
- Solid Reputation
“Guided by a relentless focus on our core values, we will always strive to implement continuous improvements necessary to achieve our vision. In doing this, we will deliver operational excellence throughout the company, while meeting or exceeding our commitments to our clients. Our long-term strategies and short-term actions will be crafted by the core values that are shared by all SGS employees”.
1826 N Loop 1604 W, Suite 337G
San Antonio, TX 78248 - (210) 903-0099
- [email protected]

A Bristol Bay Native Corporation Company